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9.26.19 Members Making News
From U.S. News & World Report: Evidence of a life filled with love, cultural pride and art gathered quickly in William Brown's room. But two years ago, he would have had no place to put gifts from his daughter and sister that sit on top of his fridge, the photograph of his recently deceased...
9.26.19 Report
In a recent report, the Joint Center for Housing Studies reported on a nearly 30-year decline in rental housing affordable to low-income households across states. When defining a “low-rent” unit as one that rents for less than $600 per month, the U.S. has lost 4 million units between 1990 and 2017...
Access to safe, affordable and stable housing offers more than just a place to live — it provides an opportunity for children and families to access two-generation programs, services, supports and resources that lead to improvements in literacy, attendance and other early school success indicators...
9.26.19 Fact Sheet
A new infographic from the Public & Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) titled, A Picture of Preservation Need, illustrates preservation activity taking place in publicly supported housing stock and the need for further investment. With newly updated data from the National Housing...
9.26.19 CLPHA Newsletter
We're pleased to present a new interactive version of the CLPHA Report, CLPHA's newsletter featuring the latest news from our members and the public and affordable housing industry. Use the scroller on the right-hand side of the cover image below to view newsletter stories, or click the...
9.25.19 Action Alert
As a member of the National Low Income Housing Coalition, CLPHA is supporting NLIHC's Our Homes, Our Votes campaign to ensure the issue of housing affordability in America is front and center during the the October 15 presidential debate. The campaign is urging CNN, The New...
9.25.19 Members Making News
On September 20, the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) and developer The Alexander Company broke ground on the rehabilitation and restoration of the Milwaukee Soldiers Home, a National Historic Landmark District originally built in 1867 to house Civil War soldiers and help them...
9.20.19 Statement
WASHINGTON (September 20, 2019) – Sunia Zaterman, the Executive Director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, issued the following statement today in response to President Trump’s and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Carson’s recent comments on the crisis of...
CLPHA is pleased to announce that three Members of Congress will address attendees on the first day of CLPHA’s Fall Membership Meeting. Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (D-MO), Rep. David E. Price (D-NC), and Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH) will each give remarks about their...
9.19.19 CLPHA Member Update
On September 19, 2019, the full Senate Appropriations Committee agreed to, and unanimously passed, their version of the FY20 funding bill for Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies (T-HUD) on a recorded vote of 31 to 0, with a manager’s amendment making technical...

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