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1.29.21 CLPHA Member Update
On Tuesday, January 26, President Biden issued a memo for the incoming HUD Secretary directing HUD to take steps to redress the nation and federal government's history of discriminatory housing practices and policies. The memo outlines the history of discrimination in...
1.29.21 CLPHA Member Update
On December 14, 2020, FEMA released a notice proposing changes to current threshold requirements for a federal disaster declaration and cost of assistance (COA). These changes would restrict and limit the eligibility for a federal response and the amount of...
1.29.21 CLPHA Member Update
On January 21, 2021, the White House released an executive order signed by President Biden to better assist local and state governments as they grapple with assisting the health and housing needs of some their most vulnerable citizens during the ongoing pandemic. ...
Mark your calendars with the dates for CLPHA's Virtual Spring Membership Meeting! We learned from your survey responses that you are looking for a virtual format that provides greater flexibility in participation and the ability to attend all the sessions or select specific ones. With that in mind...
1.28.21 Statement
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA  (202) 550-1381   For Immediate Release January 28, 2021     (Washington, D.C.) January 28, 2021 – Sunia Zaterman,...
CLPHA has bittersweet news to share – Steve Lucas, our health research and policy manager, has accepted a presidential appointment to the Biden-Harris Administration to serve as the Special Assistant to HUD’s Assistant Secretary of Public & Indian Housing. Steve’s last day at CLPHA will be...
1.28.21 Members Making News
From the District of Columbia Housing Authority's website: The District of Columbia Housing Authority staff is partnering with D.C. Department of Health and community health partners to vaccinate senior citizens living in DCHA properties beginning this week. “DCHA’s partnership with DC Health to...
1.27.21 Research
A new paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that county-level policies protecting residents from evictions and utility shutoffs have decreased both COVID-19 infections and deaths. These findings provide further evidence that housing and utility assistance are...
1.27.21 Members Making News
As of January 20, 2021, Santa Clara County Housing Authority Executive Director Katherine Harasz has retired. SCCHA Deputy Executive Director Sharon Jones will serve as the PHA’s interim executive director. Harasz joined SCCHA in 2012 and previously served as SCCHA’s Interim Executive...

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