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11.8.18 Policy, CLPHA Member Update
On October 10, 2018, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a notice of proposed rulemaking titled “Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds” (83 FR 51114) (the “Notice”). The Notice proposes to expand the basis upon which a non-citizen seeking adjustments to their residency or...
10.31.18 Current Issues, In The News, Innovations, CLPHA Member Update
At the CLPHA Fall Meeting earlier this month, Bruce Katz, former Centennial Scholar at the Brookings Institution and founding Director of the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program,discussed how housing authorities, cities, and other stakeholders can seize the opportunity of the new Opportunity...
10.25.18 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
In response to persistent advocacy efforts by CLPHA and our industry colleagues, HUD announced last week that it will withdraw the new public housing funds Annual Contribution Contract (ACC) that became effective in May 2018.  As CLPHA’s counsel Reno and Cavanaugh succinctly ...
10.12.18 CLPHA Member Update, Notice / Announcement, Current Issues, Policy
On October 12, HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing released a notice offering eligible PHAs the opportunity to apply for admission to the MTW program, as the first cohort under the expansion process. This notice follows two other MTW-related notices released for public comment...
10.11.18 News, CLPHA Member Update, Notice / Announcement, Current Issues, Policy
On October 11, HUD re-published the Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program for a 45-day comment period. HUD originally published the latest version of the Operations Notice last week, but without the accompanying appendix of waivers that will...
10.5.18 CLPHA Member Update, Current Issues, CLPHA Advocacy
Today, HUD published the latest version of the Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program for a 45-day comment period.  The Operations Notice establishes the requirements for the implementation and continued operation of the expansion of the...
10.1.18 CLPHA Member Update
On Friday, September 28, the President signed HR 6157, an appropriations conference report which funds the Departments of Defense; Labor; and Health and Human Services for FY19, and includes a continuing resolution (CR) to extend funding for HUD and all other departments and agencies at FY18...
6.23.17 CLPHA Member Update
The Trump Administration’s full budget proposal released last month for fiscal year 2018 (FY18) would have severe and cumulative effects on public and affordable housing programs across the country, while shredding the safety net on which many low-income Americans rely. It is clear that...
6.9.17 CLPHA Member Update
HUD recently published two notices that CLPHA would like to bring to the attention of our members. The first notice calls for public comment on four FMR revisions, including two that are specific to small areas. If your PHA has any feedback on this notice, please send it to CLPHA ahead of the...

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