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3.6.20 CLPHA Member Update
Contact your Members of Congress and encourage them to sign onto a letter to House appropriators requesting robust funding levels for key HUD rental assistance programs. Deadline: COB March 11, 2021 House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters and Subcommittee Chairman William...
3.4.20 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA's Analysis of the Trump Administration's FY21 HUD Budget Proposal: On February 10, 2020 the Trump Administration released its fiscal year 2021 Budget Proposal (FY21) for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Click here for CLPHA's FY21 comparative...
2.28.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA Requests Full Funding for Public Housing, Including $70 B to Meet Capital Needs Backlog CLPHA’s goal is to ensure the preservation and improvement of federally assisted housing through adequate funding for the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Programs. These investments are critical...
2.27.20 CLPHA Member Update
On January 13, HUD published a proposed AFFH rule that includes major changes to AFFH, including the definition of AFFH, requirements for certifying AFFH compliance, and the process used by HUD to evaluate compliance. For additional background, please see this summary of the AFFH rule from Reno...
2.27.20 CLPHA Member Update
On February 24, the Administration’s new public charge policy went into effect. This follows a Supreme Court decision from February 21 that granted a stay on the last public charge injunction that was in place in Illinois. With that decision, the new policy takes effect nationwide. This policy...
2.20.20 CLPHA Member Update
Trump Budget Calls for 15% Decrease in HUD Funding, Large Cuts to Public Housing: On February 10, the Trump Administration released its fiscal year 2021 Budget Proposal, which includes a $41.3 billion request for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, a 15 percent reduction from enacted...
2.14.20 CLPHA Member Update
In response to industry feedback, REAC has released newly updated health and safety standards for the NSPIRE Demonstration, a voluntary pilot program testing a new protocol that would eventually replace current UPCS inspections practices. As described in our August 2019 update, REAC is evaluating a...
2.14.20 CLPHA Member Update
On February 19 at 3:00 p.m. ET, CLPHA will host a call to discuss HUD’s recent notice proposing a new form that collects information on PBV units. As described in our January 2 update, the notice proposes collecting a number of data elements, many of which are already collected by HUD, in a...
2.11.20 CLPHA Member Update
In 2019, CLPHA formed a Tenant-Based Housing Assistance Committee to provide membership input on policy, program and funding issues pertaining to tenant-based housing assistance that are of interest and importance to the CLPHA membership. The Committee is comprised of CLPHA members’ executive staff...
2.10.20 CLPHA Member Update
Today, the Trump Administration released its fiscal year 2021 Budget Proposal, which includes a $41.3 billion request for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, a 15 percent reduction from enacted FY 2020.  For the third time, the request completely eliminates all funding for...

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