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7.29.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
The Next Coronavirus Economic Relief and Stimulus Proposal On Monday, July 27, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced the Republican plan for the next coronavirus relief package, the Heath, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools Act (“HEALS Act”). ...
7.28.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
On August 11 at 2:00 p.m. ET, CLPHA will join Mobility Works, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,  Opportunity Insights, and NAHRO in co-sponsoring a webinar that reviews key details of HUD’s Mobility Demonstration Notice. The webinar...
7.28.20 CLPHA Member Update
On July 23, 2020, HUD released its "Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice" final rule (the "Final Rule").  The Final Rule is pending publication in the Federal Register, so the effective date of the Final Rule is unclear.  However, what is clear is that HUD is attempting...
7.24.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Dear Majority Leader McConnell, Democratic Leader Schumer, Chairman Shelby, and Vice Chairman Leahy: On behalf of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA), I am writing to express our support and to urge Senate passage of the recent House-passed HR 6800, the Health and Economic...
7.23.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
As expected, HUD’s proposed modifications to the Equal Access Rule are as discriminatory and transphobic as the announced proposal from two weeks ago. Tomorrow, HUD will publish a notice in the Federal Register that reverses the 2016 portion of the rule...
7.20.20 CLPHA Member Update
On Thursday, July 16, HUD released an updated version of its PIH FAQs. This new version includes a number of updates and new questions. CLPHA will discuss the FAQ in further detail during CLPHA's COVID-19 call today.  The updated FAQ includes updates on...
7.16.20 CLPHA Member Update
On July 14, HUD posted the FY 2020 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants NOFA, which makes available up to $5,000,000 for Planning Grants. Planning Grants are two-year grants of up to $450,000 each that assist communities with severely distressed public or HUD-assisted housing in developing a...
7.16.20 CLPHA Member Update
What are the most common barriers holding back the children you serve from reaching their full potential at school? How can you help them be more successful? How would hybrid learning in the 2020-2021 school year impact low-income students? Register for our upcoming webinar with the Public and...
7.14.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update, Announcements
Applications Due December 14 Tomorrow, HUD will publish a notice in the Federal Register that outlines the research design, eligibility criteria, application process, and requirements for its housing voucher mobility demonstration....
7.10.20 CLPHA Member Update
On Wednesday, July 8, HUD issued PIH Notice 2020-14, which announces the availability of $50 million in Veterans Affairs Sustainable Housing (VASH) funding, $40 million of which was appropriated in the FY20 spending agreement and $10 million from previous...

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