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12.7.21 CLPHA Member Update
HUD recently released PIH Notice 2021-33 providing guidance to public housing authorities (PHAs) on the CARES Act Waiver Reporting Tool (CAWRT), HUD’s tool used to report COVID-19 waivers adopted as authorized the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. ...
12.6.21 CLPHA Member Update
Last month, HUD announced $20 million in inaugural grants from its Eviction Protection Grant Program, the first of its kind for the Department. These grants will be awarded to legal service providers to assist in providing legal assistance to low-income tenants at risk of or subject to...
12.6.21 CLPHA Member Update
On December 1, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Revenue Ruling 2021-20 and Revenue Procedure 2021-43 providing guidance on the application of the permanent minimum 4 percent Housing Credit rate established for bond-financed buildings in the Consolidated Appropriations...
12.3.21 CLPHA Member Update
On December 2, the U.S House of Representatives passed H.R. 6119, the “Further Extending Government Act,” on a mostly partisan vote of 221-212. The legislation, a “continuing resolution” (“CR”) of funding levels from fiscal year 2021 (FY21), is the second CR of FY22 to extend funding designed to...
12.2.21 CLPHA Member Update
Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, HUD issued two new PIH notices: PIH Notice 2021-31 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Grant Eligibility Calculations and Processing for Calendar Year (CY) 2022 & PIH Notice 2021-32 Extension of American Rescue Plan Act – Adjustment Funding for Calendar Year...
12.2.21 CLPHA Member Update
HUD recently made available on HUD Exchange eight vignette training videos on Energy Performance Contract (EPC) Incentives Management. The training videos developed by HUD’s Energy Branch of the Public Housing Financial Management Division are targeted to public...
12.2.21 CLPHA Member Update
Recently, HUD released two new resources for the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program on its website: EHV FAQs v.7 and the EHV Data Dashboard. EHV FAQs HUD’s seventh release of FAQs for EHVs answered many of CLPHA member questions...
12.2.21 CLPHA Member Update
On September 9, 2021, President Biden signed two Executive Orders in support of his COVID-19 Action Plan. The first Executive Order required the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force to issue guidance mandating certain COVID-19 safety protocols for federal contractors and subcontractors....
12.1.21 CLPHA Member Update
Recently HUD issued a series of guidance documents to provide public housing agencies (PHAs) instructions on how to prepare for the expiration of certain waivers and administrative flexibilities authorized by HUD through the CARES Act to provide relief to PHAs, Indian tribes, and tribally...
11.19.21 CLPHA Member Update
On November 18, CLPHA hosted a webinar on Mobility Programs: Best Practices and Lessons Learned with featured guest speakers from King County Housing Authority, Seattle Housing Authority Chicago Housing Authority, and Housing Choice Partners. Each panelist shared...

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