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3.14.22 CLPHA Member Update
On March 10, HUD released two PIH Notices: PIH Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) – Reallocation of Awards (PIH Notice 2022-06) and Emergency Safety and Security Grants Annual Funding Notification and Application Process (PIH Notice 2022-05).   Reallocation of EHVs On May 10, 2021, HUD...
3.11.22 CLPHA Member Update
The White House, the U. S. Treasury and Housing and Urban Development Departments recently announced two new sites: and, both free IRS-certified tax filing resources, that explain to connect with IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program...
3.3.22 CLPHA Member Update
Beginning April 2020, HUD PIH issued guidance that allowed PHAs to adopt a variety of statutory and regulatory waivers that impacted everyday HUD program operations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including HCV, public housing, Mod Rehab and Mainstream programs. PIH Notice 2021-33 required...
3.1.22 CLPHA Member Update
HUD issued a letter alerting PHAs of its requirements to review their public housing portfolios in IMS/PIC to ensure units are in the correct Unit Designation Categories and Accessible Designation Categories no later than March 31, 2022. As part of the September 2010 release of IMS...
3.1.22 CLPHA Member Update
At this meeting, CLPHA provided a Washington Update on FY22 and FY23 federal appropriations. We were also joined by Betsy McCafferty, Director of Human Resources at Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority and Chair of CLPHA’s HR Working Group, Tracey Knighton, Human Resources Program Manager...
2.22.22 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA recently learned that HUD has extended the deadline for PHAs to apply for certain regulatory waivers that were originally offered as part of the CARES Act waivers in Notice PIH 2021-14 to provide continued flexibility during the pandemic and recovery until April 1, 2022.  CLPHA...
2.16.22 CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD published in the Federal Register fiscal year (FY) 2022 Annual Adjustment Factors (AAFs) that are used by certain Section 8 programs to provide annual adjustments to monthly rents. AAFs are used by Section 8 New Construction program, Substantial Rehabilitation program, the...
2.9.22 CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD emailed PHA Executive Directors advising permissible PHA activities related to voter registration access for public housing residents and Section 8 participants. PHAs may use Section 8 administrative fees and public housing operating subsidies to meet the costs for permissible...
2.9.22 CLPHA Member Update
HUD recently published guidance (PIH Notice 2022-02) advising PHAs that Public Housing Assessment Systems (PHAS) assessments will resume in 2022 for PHAs with fiscal years ending (FYE) March 31, 2022. Through its authority granted by the CARES Act, HUD previously suspended PHAS...
2.4.22 CLPHA Member Update
On January 24, HUD published a notice in the Federal Register increasing the amount of time that a youth may receive a Family Unification Program (FUP) or Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) voucher up to a maximum of 60 months. Implemented as provisions of the Fostering Stable Housing...

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