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9.1.22 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
HUD Implements CLPHA Recommendation to Use Private-Sector Rental Data to Better Reflect Rents  Today, HUD published FY23 Fair Market Rents (FMRs) used to determine payment standard amounts for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. FMRs are also used for various purposes for...
8.30.22 CLPHA Member Update
Join Our September 13 Webinar on Environmental Resiliency!  CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative is pleased to announce our Housing Is Working Group 2022-2023 webinar calendar! We invite you to join the Housing Is Working Group to discuss special topics...
8.25.22 CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD published its annual notice on the methodology used to determine PHAs’ ongoing administrative fees for the HCV, EHV, Mainstream Voucher, and Moderate Rehabilitation programs for the Calendar Year 2022 (CY22). As in prior years, CY22 administrative fees are determined based on vouchers...
8.25.22 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA Continues to Advocate for Extended NSPIRE Implementation Timeline On Friday, August 19, CLPHA attended a meeting in which HUD provided updates on the implementation of the proposed NSPIRE standards version 2.2. HUD noted that it is still reviewing the feedback received from many...
8.23.22 CLPHA Member Update
In PIH Notice 2022-24, HUD explained the new non-competitive allocation strategy and program requirements for the Stability Voucher Program. HUD will support approximately 4,000 new incremental vouchers by awarding up to $43.4 million through the program thanks to funding from the Consolidated...
8.19.22 CLPHA Member Update
On August 16, HUD released two notices related to the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program. PIH Notice 2022-26 announced the availability of approximately $79 million in HUD-VASH funding as well as updates to the HUD-VASH Registration of Interest processes. PIH ...
8.19.22 CLPHA Member Update
HUD recently published new guidance on the process for revocation and reallocation of Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) awards. Notice PIH 2021-15 previously stipulated that “if a PHA fails to lease its authorized EHVs within a reasonable period of time, HUD...
8.11.22 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
Today, CLPHA sent a letter to the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees recommending certain authorization and funding levels in their FY23 appropriations bills for HUD’s public housing and related programs as the two bodies...
8.9.22 CLPHA Member Update
Recently, HUD issued closeout procedures for PHAs awarded Coronavirus Aid, Relieve, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) supplemental funding to prevent, prepare for and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In September 2020, HUD advised PHAs of forthcoming...
8.4.22 CLPHA Member Update
In May, CLPHA announced that HUD released the long-awaited FSS Final Rule that made significant changes to the program, including changes to FSS escrow account requirements. Recently, HUD published additional guidance related to the establishment of the FSS escrow account, the use of forfeited FSS...

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