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5.11.23 CLPHA Member Update, Funding Opportunity, Grant, Loan
At CLPHA’s Housing Is Summit today, HUD announced the availability of $837 million through the new Green Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP). Released today are the program’s implementing notice and Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs), which detail a range of grant and loan funding options for...
5.9.23 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
HUD has released the pre-publication copy of the final rule for the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE). The Final Rule contains information on the implementation timeline, the new affirmative standards, the frequency of inspections, addressing and appealing...
5.4.23 CLPHA Member Update, Funding Opportunity, Grant
On Monday, May 8 at 3:30 p.m. ET, HUD is hosting a Special Briefing focused on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund – a new program from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). During this briefing, HUD staff will share information about our efforts aligned with the IRA to...
5.4.23 CLPHA Member Update
Register today for a free two-day conference hosted in-person by HUD to review upcoming rollouts of NSPIRE, Housing Information Portal (HIP), Enterprise Voucher Management System (EVMS), and other IT and policy initiatives. The sessions welcome discussion as HUD develops a community of practice to...
4.28.23 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Earlier this week, CLPHA, NAHRO, PHADA, and the MTW Collaborative sent a joint letter to HUD urging the agency to defer the implementation of NSPIRE scoring for housing agencies with fiscal years ending March 31, 2023. CLPHA also prepared our own comments this week on HUD's...
4.28.23 CLPHA Member Update
  Meeting topics include various updates from CLPHA on HUD policy and programs and the latest developments in Washington, D.C., including AFFH, NSPIRE, and MTW regionalization. We also discuss trauma-informed housing and upcoming CLPHA events.  
4.27.23 CLPHA Member Update
HUD announced that it will make available $5 million for new Family Unification Program (FUP) voucher assistance for youth and families who lack safe and adequate housing. Approximately 10 awards will be made from this announcement, and the minimum number of vouchers...
4.27.23 CLPHA Member Update, Funding Opportunity, Grant
HUD has published PIH Notice 2023-10, which gives PHAs guidance on how to apply for Capital Fund Emergency Safety and Security Grants (ESSG) to fund safety and security emergencies. A “safety and security emergency” is defined as an emergency that may arise from: 1) an immediate need for...
4.25.23 CLPHA Comments, CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
CLPHA, Reno & Cavanaugh, and the MTW Collaborative have submitted comments on the proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Final Rule. CLPHA and Reno underwent a lengthy feedback-gathering process that included several meetings with members to develop...
4.25.23 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Comments
Recently, CLPHA held a series of listening sessions to hear members’ concerns with HUD’s proposed NSPIRE Scoring Methodology. CLPHA has prepared comments on the proposed rule for members to review. Members are encouraged to use CLPHA’s letter to guide their own comments. Comments are due to...

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