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7.31.24 Analysis, CLPHA Member Update
Committee Restores Several Funding Cuts Proposed by the House  On July 25, the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations released their version of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) appropriations bill (S. 4796 / S. Report...
7.26.24 CLPHA Member Update
Senate Bill Increases Funding for Key Housing Programs Compared to House FY25 Funding Including Choice Neighborhoods, HOME, Vouchers, and Renewals Yesterday, July 25, the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations passed their version of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Transportation,...
7.26.24 CLPHA Member Update
  Meeting topics included various updates from CLPHA on HUD policy and programs and the latest developments in Washington, D.C., including: the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions on the housing sector, HUD's new notice on extreme heat in public housing, HIP, HOTMA, the NSPIRE-V...
7.24.24 CLPHA Member Update
HUD has amended the shortfall budget submission deadlines for PHAs that received 2022 or 2023 public housing shortfall grants. The 2024 budget submission due dates for PHAs with a December 31, March 31, or June 30 Fiscal Year Ends (FYEs) has been extended to August 1, 2024. The timelines are as...
7.23.24 CLPHA Member Update
On July 22, HUD published new guidance in the Federal Register for PHAs participating in the HCV Mobility Demonstration (also called the Community Choice Demonstration). Most notably, HUD is extending the deadline for enrolling families to the statutorily authorized date of October 1, 2028....
7.23.24 CLPHA Member Update
Monday, July 29 | 3:00 p.m. ET/12:00 p.m. PT  CLPHA will host a member call on Monday, July 29, at 3:00 p.m. ET/12:00 p.m. PT to discuss the changes to the HCV and PBV programs made by the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA). The call will focus on high-level...
7.23.24 Grant, CLPHA Member Update, Funding Opportunity
PHAs Who Meet Criteria Eligible to Apply   The HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes has $50 million available to assist in developing the capacity to implement a lead hazard control program in targeted communities. The funding focuses on the following areas: workforce...
7.16.24 CLPHA Member Update, Members Making News, Awards/Grants
CLPHA Members in Cuyahoga and Norfolk Earned Additional CNI Funding Three of CLPHA’s members—Houston Housing Authority, Miami-Dade Public Housing & Community Development Department, and Syracuse Housing Authority—were awarded HUD Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Grants for the first...
7.15.24 Grant, Funding Opportunity, CLPHA Member Update
HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Health Homes has several grant opportunities currently available for PHAs to identify and reduce lead hazards, weatherization, and related technical studies. Visit the Grants Opportunity Page to learn more about recent publication of the...
7.9.24 CLPHA Member Update, Awards/Grants
HUD has announced $1.5 million in Housing Mobility-Related Services Planning awards to 25 PHAs across 14 states, with seven of CLPHA’s members earning funding. These funds enable PHAs to implement programs in their communities that help families using Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) find...

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