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6.13.18 Members Making News
HUD awarded the Paterson Housing Authority a nearly $4 million grant through the HUD Capital Fund to renovate and modernize its public housing units. This grant is a 54% increase on its $2.58 million award from last year.
6.13.18 Members Making News
The Yakima Housing Authority will open seasonal housing for migrant farm workers this month. the Cosecha Courts 2 project will house 96 workers in the agriculture-rich Yakima Valley. 
6.13.18 Members Making News
SAHA also has begun an initiative at its Cassiano Homes community to partner with the police and local agencies to walk with Cassiano Homes children to school and teach them about street safety. 
6.13.18 Members Making News
The San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) will build a neighborhood park on San Antonio's East Side with funding from its $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Initiative grant.
6.13.18 Members Making News
National playground-building nonprofit Kaboom! and the Baltimore Ravens teamed up with the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) to build a playground at HABC's Douglass Homes. 200 volunteers, including several Ravens players, helped with the project.
6.11.18 Action Alert
  U.S. Representatives Steve Stivers (R-OH) and Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO), Co-Chairs of the Bi-Partisan Congressional Public Housing Caucus, recently sent a Dear Colleague letter to fellow members of the House of Representatives inviting them to join the Caucus. According to the letter, “the...
Following remarks made during the State of the Union address, President Trump released his Administration’s infrastructure plan in mid-February. According to the proposed White House plan, the federal government will provide $200 billion in funding for the nation’s roads, bridges, rail, ports...
6.4.18 Action Alert, CLPHA Advocacy
The proposed elimination of the tax exemption for private activity bonds (PABs) in the House tax reform bill, along with elimination of the Historic Tax Credit and the New Markets Tax Credit, will be devastating to the production and preservation of affordable housing (see CLPHA Report 11/13/...
5.31.18 Action Alert
Recent measures were taken in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate to create a Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration (HCV Mobility Demo) to encourage families receiving housing voucher assistance to move to lower-poverty areas and to expand access to opportunity areas. In the...
5.21.18 Research

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