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10.5.18 CLPHA Member Update, Current Issues, CLPHA Advocacy
Today, HUD published the latest version of the Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program for a 45-day comment period.  The Operations Notice establishes the requirements for the implementation and continued operation of the expansion of the...
10.1.18 In The News, Members Making News, Innovations
The long-awaited Opportunity Atlas, published today by the Census Bureau in collaboration with researchers at Harvard and Brown, got top billing on today’s homepage of the New York Times’ data-driven digital property The Upshot. “Detailed New National Maps Show How Neighborhoods Shape...
10.1.18 CLPHA Member Update
On Friday, September 28, the President signed HR 6157, an appropriations conference report which funds the Departments of Defense; Labor; and Health and Human Services for FY19, and includes a continuing resolution (CR) to extend funding for HUD and all other departments and agencies at FY18...
9.21.18 Statement, CLPHA Advocacy
Statement from CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman WASHINGTON (September 21, 2018) – In support of housing authorities and residents impacted by Hurricane Florence, Sunia Zaterman, Executive Director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, issued the following statement: “Though...
9.19.18 Statement, News
For Immediate Release Wednesday, September 19, 2018 HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration Program is a Proven Means of Securing the Future of the Nation’s Public Housing Stock Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and Federal Housing...
9.14.18 Policy
Thanks to all who joined our call last week on RAD’s prospects in an eventual FY 2018 appropriations bill. Here’s the download of the call and what you can do to advance RAD yet this year: The 3-month Continuing Resolution (CR) until December 15th allows some limited time to continue to...
9.12.18 Action Alert
Last week, members of the House and Senate were named to an appropriations conference committee on HR 6157, the third package of FY19 appropriations bills. This third “minibus” includes funding for Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; Financial Services and General Government; Agriculture;...
8.28.18 Press Release
Experts to Present First National Snapshot of Health Partnerships in Public Housing Free Webinar Aug. 29, 12 PM ET WASHINGTON (August 28, 2018) - Half of the nation’s public housing authorities (PHAs) are engaged in a resident health initiative, most with a health organization partner according to...
7.24.18 Membership Spotlight, Members Making News
CLPHA’s Membership Spotlight features the outstanding work and achievements of our member public housing authorities - the nation’s largest and most innovative PHAs. Based on interviews with PHA executives, these brief profiles spotlight our members’ initiatives to strengthen their...
7.12.18 Action Alert
The Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition is circulating a sign on letter for current and former federal, state, and local government officials in support of HUD’s Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP), which FEMA continues to refuse to activate. DHAP was created after hard-won lessons from...

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