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11.29.18 Members Making News, Innovations
Next City covered the Housing Authority of the City of Austin’s (HACA) recent, unusual purchase of a 308-unit luxury apartment building on the open market in partnership with a real estate investment trust (REIT). HACA’s new property, on Austin’s Wells Branch Parkway, is the...
11.29.18 Awards/Grants, Members Making News
Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) Secretary-Executive Director Tony Perez (front, center) holds HACM's Diversity in Business award from The Daily Reporter.   The Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) recently received a Diversity in Business...
A new bill from House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) that includes an array of tax provisions could put Housing Credit legislation back in play during the lame duck session of Congress. The “Retirement, Savings, and Other Tax Relief Act of 2018,” would renew some expired tax...
11.27.18 CLPHA Comments
On October 11, HUD released the latest version of the MTW Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program for public comment. The Operations Notice establishes the requirements for the implementation and continued operation of the expansion of the MTW...
11.16.18 CLPHA Advocacy, Current Issues
Date: Monday, November 19, 2018 Time: 4:00pm ET Call-in Number: (866) 398-2885 Passcode: 308299 RSVP: Click this link to RSVP for the call.   On October 10, 2018, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a notice of proposed rulemaking titled “...
11.16.18 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
In yesterday’s Federal Register, HUD published a final notice of its new performance measurement system for the Family Self-Sufficiency Program. The system, which CLPHA and industry colleagues opposed, will be implemented on December 17, 2018, in an advisory manner for the first year,...
11.14.18 Awards/Grants
CLPHA is pleased to announce our Housing Is Initiative has been awarded a two-year grant from the Funders for Housing and Opportunity (FHO). This national funder collaborative is comprised of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Conrad N....
11.14.18 CLPHA Advocacy, Report
New research from CLPHA and Econsult Solutions shows that PHAs generate and induce multiple streams of economic activity benefitting those who reside in public housing, as well as local employers, governments, and industries. Read more about "The Economic Impact of Public Housing: Ongoing...
11.9.18 News
While the federal House and Senate races were the big story of Tuesday’s midterm elections, voters across the country considered critical state and local ballot issues as well, including eight states that dealt with the construction of affordable housing or expanding protections for renters....
11.9.18 News, Analysis
By now you know the House Democrats have regained the majority for the first time since 2010. CLPHA’s early mid-term election analysis takes a quick look at the committee makeup of the first session of the 116th Congress beginning January 3, 2019.   While eleven races are still...

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